Must-Read Books for Home Education

Here are the must-read books for home education and parents who want to either homeschool, unschool, worldschool or use Charlotte Mason.

books for home education

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Are you on the hunt for some books to help you start home educating? Perhaps you’re interested in a specific method of learning, like unschooling, and would like to learn more about it. Well, you’re in luck! Here are the must-read books for home education and parents who want to either:

  • Homeschool
  • Unschool
  • Worldschool
  • Use the Charlotte Mason approach

Must-Read Books for Homeschooling Parents

Dumbing Us Down

If you’re interested in a book written by a school teacher who turned critic of the educational system, then this one’s for you. John Taylor Gatto’s Dumbing Us Down is an eye-opening read which discusses the negative impacts of modern schooling and explores just how different ‘schooling’ is from ‘learning.’

It’s a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in exploring alternative methods of education and for those who feel a certain way about compulsory schooling.

The Brave Learner

The Brave Learner serves as a heartfelt reminder that education is as much about nurturing relationships and memories as it is about academics. Want to make learning magical and engaging? This book will help you to do just that.

With her homeschooling experience, author Julie Bogart shares her guide on both parenting and educating your kids at home, and it’s filled with inspiration to help you stay encouraged.

The Call of the Wild and Free

If you’re seeking an inspirational and practical guide to home educating, Ainsley Arment’s The Call of the Wild and Free needs to be on your bookshelf. 

It’s a book which embraces a more holistic approach to learning and discusses many important themes, such as family connections, spending time in nature, and providing fulfilling educational experiences. 

The Unhurried Homeschooler

Despite being a short and sweet book, The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson will definitely leave an impact. The most important thing that is emphasised is that homeschooling doesn’t need to be overwhelming or complicated. 

It’s a gentle reminder that a slower, unhurried and more relaxed approach can lead to deeper learning and more meaningful connections.

The Five-Hour School Week

The Five-Hour School Week is your “inspirational guide to leaving the classroom to embrace learning in a way you never imagined.” Created by Kaleena and Aaron Amuchastegui, this book is for the parents who perhaps work too much and definitely want to spend more time with family. 

It truly shows that there are many paths we can take when it comes to home education, and that it’s also about enjoying life and making the most out of it. 

Must-Read Books for Unschooling Parents


For those of you considering unschooling, Unschooled by Kerry Mcdonald is a must-read. This book not only eases your concerns about unschooling, it shows what it can look like for different families. 

A big theme within Unschooled is that children learn when given the freedom to follow their own interests, and Kerry shares amazing examples of this. Many people have said that if they’d had this book sooner, they would have started unschooling from the beginning.

Free to Learn

Free to Learn by Peter Gray is yet another inspiring read which argues the importance of play and emphasises how important it is for children to navigate their own learning journey. Referring to school as a “curiosity killing institution”, Peter isn’t afraid to share his critique of traditional education. 

This book definitely challenges us to rethink our approach to education, urging for less control and more respect for our children’s autonomy.

Changing Our Minds

Another book which shares the importance of trusting children to take control of their own learning is Changing Our Minds by Naomi Fisher. It’s an insightful read which makes a strong case for moving away from traditional schooling models and exploring a more self-directed education. 

With research, theory, and interviews from influential thinkers of self-directed learning, see how it can change your mind and guide you towards unschooling.

Radical Unschooling

If you’re interested in radical unschooling, which extends the principles of self-directed education beyond academics into all aspects of life, this might just be the book for you. Dayna Martin’s Radical Unschooling emphasises having trust in a child’s natural ability to make choices, both for their learning and in their daily lives, that are right for them.

What’s nice about this book is that it also focuses on parenting as well as showing what an alternative education looks like.

Must-Read Books for Worldschooling Parents

World Schooling

World Schooling by Ashley Dymock De Tello is a guide which shares just how possible it is to combine travelling with education. It explores the growing movement to leave a 9-5 job to live a life of freedom, where you can spend more time with family and choose an alternative style of education, known as worldschooling. 

This book empowers parents who are looking to change their lifestyle and provide their children with better educational experiences through travel. 

Wonder Year

If you’re looking for a practical guide to worldschooling and how to make it possible for your family, Wonder Year is the book for you. Packed with information and guidance from three authors — Julie Frieder, Angela Heisten, and Annika Paradise — this book also shares the inspiring experiences of other worldschooling families.

If you were dubious before, this book will convince you that worldschooling can be done.

Wanderlust Calling

Another must-have guide to worldschooling is Nikki Collinson-Phenix’s Wanderlust Calling. As a passionate worldschooler, she shows you how you can truly make the world your classroom. Another great book which is full of information, stories, and practical advice. 

Must-Read Books for Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series

If you’re completely new to the Charlotte Mason method for home education, the best place to start is none other than Charlotte Mason’s Home Education Series, which features six volumes:

  • Home Education
  • Parents and Children
  • School Education
  • Ourselves
  • Formation of Character
  • A Philosophy of Education 

Delve into her philosophy which emphasises the development of the whole child — intellectually, morally, and spiritually. 

Modern Miss Mason

Leah Boden’s Modern Miss Mason conveys the beauty of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy and guides you through both parenting and educating. Sharing Mason’s wisdom and methods, Leah lays out her own passion and expertise to help you on your own home education journey. 

People have said that reading this book feels like having a conversation with a dear friend. 

Before Curriculum

Before Curriculum by Amy Fischer is a short and sweet guide designed to help parents implement Charlotte Mason’s educational principles before selecting formal curricula. It’s a great introduction to Charlotte Mason as the information is easy to understand and not overwhelming.

A Charlotte Mason Companion

If you’re looking for the ideal companion book about Charlotte Mason’s approach to home education, this is it.  Written by Karen Andreola, she draws from her experience as a home educator to make Mason’s ideas accessible and relevant for modern families. 

If you’re already familiar with Charlotte Mason, A Charlotte Mason Companion makes for a great additional read and is filled with lovely illustrations.

That’s a wrap for our must-read books for home education. Let us know if you’ve read any of these books and which one is your favourite!



I am a writer and home educator, lover of fantasy books and all things creative! I'm either learning and making discoveries with my daughter, reading, writing or eating chocolate!

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