40 Persuasive & Amazing Reasons to Home Educate

Let’s see if I can convince you! Here are 40 amazing reasons to home educate that will make you want to give it a try and fall in love with the home educating lifestyle!

reasons to home educate

When my daughter was born, I knew almost instantly that I was going to home educate her. I couldn’t imagine sending her to school—into a system I didn’t agree with or believe in. There was no one reason in particular. In fact, I had many reasons why home education was the right choice and traditional education was not. 

Since then, I’ve unearthed the amazing benefits of home education and related to many of the reasons why people choose to home educate. Not everyone starts off knowing that home education is the choice for their family. Many parents have doubts about home educating—some might feel like they have no other choice, and some might dive into it and realise that it was the best decision they ever made.

Let’s see if I can convince you! Here are 40 amazing reasons to home educate that will make you want to give it a try and fall in love with the home educating lifestyle!

40 persuasive and amazing reasons to home educate

40 Reasons to Home Educate That Will Make You Want To Do It

1. The lifestyle is amazing

Home education isn’t just an alternative choice from traditional education, it’s a completely unique and amazing change in lifestyle. There are no school runs, no strict schedules, no forcing your child to get their homework done. Each day the unexpected awaits and it’s full of possibilities! 

2. You’ll see your child change for the better

    Although choosing to home educate can be a big change, the best change you’ll see is the one in your child. It may seem like they are a completely different version of themselves, but this is the version they are meant to be—happy and thriving. Laughter becomes louder, their enthusiasm grows, and their creativity flourishes!

    3. You’ll feel unbelievably proud when you watch them learn new things

    There’s no other feeling quite like watching your child learn new things and seeing them love what they do.

    4. You get to be there through everything

    Your child won’t have to endure those 6 hour days at school and you won’t have to miss out on spending time with them. You’ll be there through every milestone, every achievement, and every important memory. 

    5. The opportunities are endless

    Home education leads to many different pathways and opens so many doors—many of which you wouldn’t get access to in a traditional school. In fact, you can create your own opportunities because you have the freedom and time to do so!

    6. Your child can follow their heart and soul

    If there’s any reason to home educate it’s that your child can actually follow their heart and soul, wherever it may take them. They can follow their calling without restrictions and be free to try out every new interest. 

    7. There’s no limit to what you can learn

    Your child doesn’t have to follow a strict curriculum—or any curriculum for that matter—and they aren’t restricted to what may be expected of them. Imagine being able to learn absolutely anything you could think of with no one holding you back! 

    8. Your child can learn at any time, anywhere

    The beauty of home educating is that learning can happen at any time, anywhere. So if you think the car isn’t a good place to learn or the evening is too late to learn, think again!

    9. You’ll cherish the flexibility

    You can be as flexible as you want, whether that’s with your schedule or what your child learns from day to day.

    10. There’s no fear of ridicule

    Your child won’t have to fear being ridiculed for what they like or the things they do. They are accepted for who they are, and they can be who they are without constant peer pressure and bullying, which is all too common in schools. 

    11. Your child won’t be compared to another

    There isn’t this competition between children or pressure to be like everyone else. Every child is viewed as an individual with their own strengths—and their weaknesses aren’t something to be ashamed of either. 

    12. Your child won’t have to ‘keep up’

    In school, there’s so much pressure to keep up with everyone else. If you aren’t meeting their expectations, it’s seen as failing and therefore you need ‘more help.’ With home education, your child won’t have to ‘keep up’ with anyone because there’s no such thing. Everyone learns at their own pace and at all different levels, but there’s no standard to live up to. The only standard that should matter is the one your child sets for themselves. 

    13. Your child won’t ‘fall behind’

    Just like your child won’t have to ‘keep up’, they won’t ‘fall behind’ either because what are they falling behind from? There aren’t any of these expectations, like in a traditional school, that you need to worry about. We always say: a child is never behind, they’re exactly where they’re meant to be.

    14. Learning happens at your child’s own pace

    It doesn’t matter if your child is a fast learner or a slow learner. They might pick some things up quickly and others not so much. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that they can learn at their own pace because their pace is the only pace that matters. 

    15. Your child will want to learn

    If you’re interested in something, you want to do it, am I right? This is no different for children. If a child gets to learn what they are passionate about and interested in, they’ll want to do it all the time. 

    16. You’ll see your child’s confidence soar

    Another amazing reason to home educate is seeing your child’s confidence soar. It doesn’t matter if they were shy or not beforehand, you’ll see confidence on a whole other level and, not to mention, the independence they will gain too. 

    17. You can personalise everything to your child’s needs

    Everything is personal when it comes to home education. It can be completely tailored to your child’s wants and needs. 

    18. The schedule works for you, not the other way around

    You won’t have to worry about sticking to a tight, strict schedule anymore. There’ll be no 6 hour days (unless you choose them), no rushing to drop off and pick your child up from school, no specific deadlines or places to be! Instead of having to worry about hectic mornings and traffic-heavy afternoons, you get to make a schedule which works for you!

    19. You can always change what isn’t working

    You can always, always change what isn’t working, whether you’ve been doing it for a little while or a long time. In fact, you can change things up at any time. Home education is all about evolving and adapting.

    20. There’s less pressure

    The only pressure there will be is the pressure you create. So, if you don’t give it a second thought, it won’t become something to worry about. 

    21. Your child can set their own goals

    Being able to set your own goals is the ultimate motivation to achieve them.

    22. Your child can learn valuable life skills

    Life skills are incredibly valuable, yet strangely they’re not seen as important enough for a school curriculum. Well, home education gives your child the opportunity to learn all the valuable skills they need to thrive in life, whether it’s personal or financial. 

    23. Every curiosity is nurtured

    A curious child is a child eager to learn, and their every curiosity can be explored and nurtured instead of being forgotten.

    24. A day of learning can be one hour

    That’s right. One hour might be all that you need. You’ll be surprised how much value one hour of learning brings to your child. And remember, it’s not how much you do, it’s what you do.

    25. Or it can be whatever you make it

    Home education can be whatever you make it, whether it’s half an hour sessions spread throughout the day, not starting until the afternoon, or just home educating on the weekends!

    26. You can focus on your child’s strengths 

    You’ll actually have the time and dedication to focus on your child’s strengths. Let’s face it, we all love doing what we’re good at.

    27. Your child can completely be themselves

    Your child can completely be themselves without fear of being made fun of or having to put on a front for anyone, whether it be at their craziest, silliest or funniest. 

    28. Your child will be less exposed to negative influences

    At school, you can’t control what negative influences your child will be exposed to, but you can gain some of that control back if you home educate. You’ll know what your child is doing and when because you’ll be doing it with them. And if you ever need to take action, you can deal with things much more effectively. 

    29. Your child will learn to be comfortable in their own skin

    When your child’s confidence grows, so will their acceptance of themselves, and they’ll learn to love and be comfortable in their own skin.

    30. Family bonds will grow stronger

    One of the greatest reasons to home educate is the impact it will have on you all as a family. Through the memories you create and the time spent together, your bonds will grow and deepen. 

    31. Your child will develop empathy from meeting people of all different ages and backgrounds

    I don’t know about you but I think empathy is one of the strongest values to have. Home education will give your child endless opportunities to meet people of all different ages and backgrounds, and from these meetings, their empathy and understanding of others will grow. 

    32. Friendships and connections are more genuine and natural

    Instead of being thrown into a classroom surrounded by the same people every day, your child will develop friendships and connections which are much more genuine. Think about how much natural interaction we get as adults, simply by doing our everyday tasks. That’s what your child will get too. Their friendships will be genuine and formed naturally through shared interests.

    33. Your child will become more independent 

    An independent child knows exactly what they want and will start to make choices for themselves. Your child won’t just be a child; they’ll be a person with their own thoughts and ideas with the confidence to act on them.

    34. Your child will get to experience what life has to offer

    Life is full of opportunities which can’t be experienced behind four walls. If there’s any reason to home educate, it’s to let your child experience life and what it has to offer.

    35. The world will become the classroom

    There’s no bigger and better classroom than the world. 

    36. You can travel at any time of year

    That’s right. Say goodbye to school holidays. You can travel at ANY time of year. 

    37. Your child will have more time to enjoy hobbies

    With all the free time that home education offers, your child can actually start to enjoy their hobbies and find new ones too.

    38. Time spent together will mean everything

    There’s no such thing as spending too much time with your children. And even though you’ll be spending a lot more time with them, it will mean everything and you’ll look back with no regrets. 

    39. Homework doesn’t exist

    Yep, say goodbye to homework and having to force your child to do it just to prove themselves. There are much better ways to see their progression. 

    40. You’ll experience the benefits for yourself 

    One final reason to home educate is that you’ll get to experience all the benefits for yourself and you’ll see what a difference it makes to your child too. You don’t know something until you try it after all, and home education could be the best decision for your family!

    I hope you enjoyed reading these 40 persuasive and amazing reasons to home educate. Have they managed to sway you? Let us know how you feel about home education in the comments!



    I am a writer and home educator, lover of fantasy books and all things creative! I'm either learning and making discoveries with my daughter, reading, writing or eating chocolate!

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